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Ancient Savo

Raise a family and live off the land in 1200 CE pristine woodlands · By Enormous Elk


Recent updates

Beta 30 - pottery, skills and modding script
Beta version 30 published! Skills are now grouped under categories COMMON, SPECIAL and TOOLS. There is a separate skill for each tool category like knives and a...
4 files — 30
Beta 29 - another bugfix release
Beta version 29 released The camera controls in 3D view have been adjusted. Scrolling the mouse wheel now consistently controls the camera elevation, which has...
4 files — 29
Beta 28 - rounded tile edges etc
Beta version 28 released This version continues the bugfixing and polishing after the great graphics upgrade. This version brings an improved version of rounded...
4 files — 28
Beta 27 - bugs fixed
A quick bugfix version The Windows distribution package of beta version 26 had a fatal bug, crashing on launching the game. This should be now fixed! On older M...
4 files — 27
Beta 26 - the great graphics upgrade
Finally, we have upgraded graphics! And also in 2D But, after such a major upgrade the bug potential is high. I tested locally on linux, windows and mac, and it...
5 files — 26
Beta 25 - a quick bugfix release
Oh well, the beta version 24 had a bunch of bugs. Some of them were fatal, and some just otherwise game-breaking. Version 25 doesn't add new features, this is j...
3 files — 25
Beta 24 - Skills, qualities and family reunion
Beta version 24 released Tool quality now affects task progress - it is slower to work with low quality tools. When crafting new items characters' skills affect...
3 files — 24
Beta 23 - Help links
Beta version 23 released! All the reported bugs are fixed - I hope so! Please keep on reporting the bugs you encounter, it helps a lot. Thanks! The in-game help...
3 files — 23

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